Supplements Attitude Research

I found this on a Masters Athletes forum I’ve recently joined ( Looks quite legitimate and some of you Xtreme Geezers might like to participate.

My name is Paul Astles I am a post graduate student at Leeds Metropolitan University, England. I am currently studying for an MSc in Sport and Exercise Psychology and I am planning on undertaking my thesis around Masters Athletes. Specifically, the aim of my research would be to investigate attitudes towards supplement use (for example, the research asks questions about what supplements are taken, perceived health or performance benefits of supplements and sources of advice regarding supplementation).

The data collection for this research is going to be an online questionnaire. The link to the questionnaire pack is beneath this text, simply copy and paste into your browser to go straight to questionnaire pack and begin. It is important that you read the first page of the questionnaire pack as this will hopefully answer any questions that you have regarding the benefits of the research. There are contact details on that first page should you have any further questions regarding the questionnaires or the research.

Thank you for your time

Paul Astles